Governance of the church and Policies

Since 1854, St Andrew’s has played a significant role in the religious and civic life of Sheffield. Founded as a church of the Presbyterian Church of England, we stand in the Reformed tradition of Christian faith. In 1972, webecame part of the United Reformed Church. The Church is run by Elders for spiritual matters and a Management Team for secular matters. Both report to Trustees and to a Church Meeting of all members.
The church is a registered charity and reports to the Charity Commission annually
The Trustees are responsible for all policies
The Management Team implements the policies and manages the building and finances
Safeguarding and risk management are important features
Our Mission, reflecting the strapline on our external blue noticeboard, is: ”To create an environment where Christians worship and community groups prosper.”
Our Aims are:
To create an environment where Christian worship flourishes
To create a welcoming environment where community groups can meet
Our Objectives are:
To maintain the building fit for the worshipping communities and group meetings
To create facilities that encourage use by the groups
To foster a spirit of tolerance by all groups which share our objectives
To explore ideas that develop our aims